Kohl & Cook Offers Guidance to Small Businesses in Receipt of PPP Loans on Columbus Local Channel 4

On May 11, 2020, Kohl & Cook partner, Sean Kohl, was interviewed by NBC Channel 4 News for his input on issues local businesses face when opening amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, Al’s Delicious Popcorn is featured in the story which details its efforts to return to business in the new normal. Many Columbus area businesses applied for and received funds pursuant to the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”). It is important that business owners understand the requirements imposed by the PPP and how funds are distributed in order to maximize federal forgiveness of the PPP loan when the time to apply comes. Click here to see the interview and read the article. Kohl & Cook recommends that business owners who received PPP funds contact an attorney as soon as possible to receive guidance on PPP’s forgiveness requirements.